best eye tracking software

Eye Tracking Research In Different Markets

Eye-tracking research is becoming an increasingly popular tool for understanding how people interact with digital content. By tracking a person’s eye movements, businesses can gain insights into which elements of a website or app are most visually appealing, and make changes accordingly. But which markets is eye-tracking research most useful for? And why is it… read more

4 Things To Keep in Mind With Your Eye Tracking Results

Eye-tracking results can be helpful for researchers and businesses alike. Knowing how people are looking at different elements of a website, product packaging, or advertisement can give valuable insights into their behavior. With the help of Gazepoint’s affordable eye-tracking systems, you have access to research-grade data that can be used to make new discoveries and… read more

How Eye Tracking Software Helps Marketers Analyze Google Search Tendencies

Marketers have a saying: If you want to hide something, put it on the second page of google. It is well known that the first few results that come up in a search are likely to be the most clicked on. We also know that results accompanied by images and videos tend to be closer… read more

What Is The Difference Between Eye Tracking Software and Saliency Modeling?

When designing a user interface, it is very important to know the path of a user’s eye. Knowing where a user is looking, where their gaze lingers, and what their eye isn’t drawn to can help make practical changes to design and ensure the things we want to be noticed are indeed noticed. Eye tracking… read more

Why Eye Tracking Software Is Perfect For Online Retail Stores

Online shopping has been increasing in popularity over the past decade, even more so with the COVID-19 pandemic. With online shopping continuing to grow incredibly fast — according to Statista, the US online shopping market size is expected to have 300 million online shoppers in 2023 — online retailers need to make the most of… read more

How Eye Tracking Software Helps Online Clothing Owners Operate More Efficiently

To be successful in the e-Commerce realm, gaining an accurate and comprehensive view of key information and data about customers is essential. This is especially true for the online clothing industry. There are several ways that businesses and marketers go about gathering important information about customers, but one that has proved to be the most… read more

How Eye Tracking Software Can Improve Your Website Design

Have you ever thought about why your audience isn’t interested in a few of your clothing pieces? Maybe it’s the angle of the photo or the placement of the clothing on your website. In order to find out why certain clothing is clicked on more often than others, you should look further into eye tracking… read more

Eye Tracking Software: The Importance Of Understanding Consumer Behavior

Smart and forward-thinking companies are always seeking ways to understand what consumers think about their products.  Our eye tracking software is a viable solution for any marketer or business owner. If you are one of such companies, you will need to get accurate data about consumer behavior habits. This can prove to be quite difficult… read more

Best Eye Tracking Software: Where Users Look the Most

The eye is the window through which people interact with products and ads. Tracking eye movement is used in an effort to extract valuable marketing data.  At Gazepoint we under the importance of eye tracking software, especially for marketing. The importance of visual attention cannot be overemphasized. People are likely to buy products based on… read more

The Best Eye-Tracking Software

The next big thing in technology is the eye-tracking industry, thanks to the promising results it brings. Companies currently use results from eye-tracking software to ascertain the behaviors of their clients exemplarily. These behaviors are then used to draw reliable insights from the clients. We have the best eye-tracking software in the market today, thanks… read more