Human-Computer Interaction

What e-Commerce Can Learn From Eye Tracking

E-commerce is a broad, highly competitive field that becomes more competitive every day. Eye tracking gives businesses an opportunity to find success by tailoring their approach to conversions based on objective, quantitative data. Read on to learn more about the discoveries made in the world of e-commerce human-computer interactions, and invest in your own success… read more

Eye Tracking and Video Games

As we’ve discussed in previous blogs, eye tracking has a wide variety of potential applications. One such application that is quickly gaining traction is the use and integration of eye tracking in video games. There are many opportunities to use the hardware, software, and data provided by companies like Gazepoint to improve human-computer interactions, benefiting… read more

Eye Tracking Applications: Autism Diagnoses

Affordable eye-tracking technology is leading to an increase of its use in many areas, including medical, psychological, and psychiatric research. The equipment is easily accessible, and it offers objective data on human-computer interactions that can lead to great progress in identification and intervention of many disorders. Eye-tracking research has become especially prevalent in research on… read more

The Windows 10 Eye-Tracking Initiative

Eye tracking is finding new footholds and applications everyday, and now major companies are taking notice. Microsoft has taken steps to further streamline the use of eye-tracking technology with their new Windows 10 eye-tracking initiative. Read on to learn more, and invest in your own technology with an eye tracking bundle from Gazepoint. What’s New… read more

Eye Tracking Applications: Usability Studies

Today, in the age of the internet, everything is customizable, from targeting ads toward your ideal audience to redesigning websites for better user engagement. Visual tracking can give companies the data they need to make objective decisions on how to customize their products and services. In this article, we explore a study that has outlined… read more