
Introducing the GP3 laptop mount!

We are pleased to announce the release of the GP3 Laptop Mount! We had a lot of positive feedback on our GP3 VESA monitor mount which led to requests for a similar attachment to a laptop. Attaching the eye tracker to the display or laptop ensures that calibrations remain fixed even if the laptop is… read more

Gazepoint GP3 Analysis of America’s Cup 2013 Final Race

We here at Gazepoint are almost all certified wind junkies. When it’s blowing over 15 kts it’s pretty hard to keep the team focused, and over 20 kts we’re all on the water. Fortunately (sort of) it’s rarely that windy around here, but we are all keen sailors and this years America’s Cup has been… read more

Gazepoint V1.5.0 released September 10, 2013

Gazepoint V1.5.0 (September 10, 2013) – Win XP, Vista, 7 & 8, x86 & x64 Release Notes Gazepoint Controller– Improved glint tracking (major improvement in tracking performance)– Added 9 point calibration option in calibration window– Changed how calibration display updates to improve performance on slower machines– Optimized processing speed Gazepoint Analysis– Added multi user recording–… read more

The art of eye tracking – SAIC

We are excited to feature a recent project developed using the new GP3 eye tracker. Students from the SAIC School of the Art Institute of Chicago put together a fascinating exhibit about self perception entitled “Me, My#selfie, & Eye”. The installation allows visitors to take a “selfie”, or a picture of themselves, and then allows… read more

The introductory offer is over, but the GP3 is still the most affordable high performance tracker available!

Since the launch of the GP3, our high-performance, low-cost desktop eye-tracker, we’ve been flooded with orders, great feedback, and interesting requests for new features (stay tuned!). As we rush to assemble, test and ship units, we’re also optimizing the manufacturing process, AND developing awesome new upgrade features like heatmaps, and entirely new products. We truly… read more

Gazepoint Analysis 1.4.0 now supports real-time heatmaps

The Gazepoint Analysis package version 1.4.0 has been upgraded to provide real-time heatmap drawing. V1.4.0 also now supports recording of the users face image to provide additional feedback to the experimenter on what the user was doing during the recording. Our current customers can download the latest greatest software at the Download section. For everyone… read more

Gazepoint Control and Analysis version 1.4.0 now supports Vista and XP

We are pleased to announce that Gazepoint Control and Analysis software version 1.4.0 supports Windows Vista and XP operating systems. Our latest release adds compatibility for these platforms. We do recommend a reasonably powerful processor still, such as an Intel Core i3 processor. Be sure to check back frequently as we have many more updates… read more

What is an eye-tracker?

For those who are not experienced eye-tracker users…. What is an eye-tracker? An eye-tracker is a human computer input device that measures the point of gaze (where one is looking). The GP3 is a desktop eye-tracker and is designed for use to measure point of gaze on a laptop or monitor screen. A user can… read more

What functionality does the GP3 include?

What functionality does the GP3 include? This is common question that we see all the time and we’d like to share that info here with everyone. The GP3 includes Gazepoint Analysis which is an easy-to-use usability study analysis software. It can produce heat maps and gaze fixation maps overlayed to either screen content (web pages,… read more

GP3 Screen Mount means less calibration

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”] An interesting question recently came up from an experienced eye tracker user. Does the GP3 eye tracker require re-calibration at the start of each use? For the same user, no it… read more