Gazepoint Citations
We are frequently asked if we can provide examples of research papers in which the Gazepoint eye-tracking technologies are used. We are very happy to provide a shortlist of publications that we have found to date. If you are interested in using our best eye-tracking software for marketers in your research and don’t have the software yet, shop now or contact us to get started!
If you have published your research from your neuromarketing study that uses the Gazepoint system, please let us know and we will add a link to your work here! Our suggested reference to cite Gazepoint in your research is: Gazepoint (2021). GP3 Eye-Tracker. Retrieved from
Dondi, P., Sapuppo, S., & Porta, M. (2024). Leyenes: A gaze-based text entry method using linear smooth pursuit and target speed. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 184, 103204.
Yin, R., & Neyens, D. M. (2024). Examining how information presentation methods and a chatbot impact the use and effectiveness of electronic health record patient portals: An exploratory study. Patient Education and Counseling, 119, 108055.
Cieśla, M., & Dzieńkowski, M. (2023). AN ANALYSIS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ACCESSIBILITY TOOLS ON WEBSITES. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska, 13(4), 51–56.
Khairunnisa, G., & Sari, H. (2023). Eye Tracking-based Analysis of Customer Interest on The Effectiveness of Eco-friendly Product Advertising Content. Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri, 22, 153–164.
Chvátal, R., Slezáková, J., & Popelka, S. (2023). Analysis of problem-solving strategies for the development of geometric imagination using eye-tracking. Education and Information Technologies.
Zhang, C., Tian, C., Han, T., Li, H., Feng, Y., Chen, Y., Proctor, R. W., & Zhang, J. (2023). Evaluation of Infrastructure-based Warning System on Driving Behaviors – A Roundabout Study.
Sun, L., Zhang, M., Qiu, Y., & Zhang, C. (2023). Effects of Sleep Deprivation and Hazard Types on the Visual Search Patterns and Hazard Response Times of Taxi Drivers. Behavioral Sciences, 13(12), 1005.
Mok, S., Park, S., & Whang, M. (2023). Examining the Impact of Digital Human Gaze Expressions on Engagement Induction. Biomimetics, 8(8), 610.
Chang, Y.-C., Gandi, N., Shin, K., Mun, Y.-J., Driggs-Campbell, K., & Kim, J. (2023). Specifying Target Objects in Robot Teleoperation Using Speech and Natural Eye Gaze. 2023 IEEE-RAS 22nd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 1–7.
Kowalewski, S. J., & Williamson, B. (2023). Fostering Advocacy, Developing Empathetic UX Bricoleurs: Ongoing Programmatic Assessment and Responsive Curriculum Design. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 66(4), 382–396.
Dang, A., & Nichols, B. S. (2023). The effects of size referents in user-generated photos on online review helpfulness. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, n/a(n/a).
Kusumo, A. H. (2023). Has Website Design using Website Builder Fulfilled Usability Aspects? A Study Case of Three Website Builders. 545–557.
Lee, S., Byun, G., & Ha, M. (2023). Exploring the association between environmental factors and fear of crime in residential streets: an eye-tracking and questionnaire study. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 1–18.
Cybulski, P., Medyńska-Gulij, B., & Horbiński, T. (2023). Users’ Visual Experience During Temporal Navigation in Forecast Weather Maps on Mobile Devices. Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis, 7(2), 32.
Cui, Y., Liu, X., & Cheng, Y. (2023). Reader perception of and attitude to English-Chinese advertising posters: an eye tracking study. SN Social Sciences, 3(11), 192.
S Kumar, D., Sahadev, S., & Purani, K. (2023). Visual Aesthetic Quotient: Establishing the Effects of Computational Aesthetic Measures for Servicescape Design. Journal of Service Research, 10946705231205000.
Cheng, G., Zou, D., Xie, H., & Lee Wang, F. (2023). Exploring differences in self-regulated learning strategy use between high- and low-performing students in introductory programming: An analysis of eye-tracking and retrospective think-aloud data from program comprehension. Computers & Education, 104948.
Segedinac, M., Savić, G., Zeljković, I., Slivka, J., & Konjović, Z. (2023). Assessing code readability in Python programming courses using eye-tracking. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, n/a(n/a).
Novia, R., Titis, W., & Mirwan, U. (2023). An eye tracking study of customers’ visual attention to the fast-food chain’s page on instagram. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2510(1), 030042.
Hwang, E., & Lee, J. (2023). Attention-based automatic editing of virtual lectures for reduced production labor and effective learning experience. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 103161.
Biondi, F. N., Graf, F., Pillai, P., & Balasingam, B. (2023). On validating a generic camera-based blink detection system for cognitive load assessment. Cognitive Computation and Systems, n/a(n/a).
Contemori, G., Oletto, C. M., Battaglini, L., Motterle, E., & Bertamini, M. (2023). Foveal feedback in perceptual processing: Contamination of neural representations and task difficulty effects. PLOS ONE, 18(10), e0291275.
Kamal, M., Möbius, M., Bartella, A. K., & Lethaus, B. (2023). Perception of aesthetic features after surgical treatment of craniofacial malformations by observers of the same age: An eye-tracking study. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery.
Inoue, M., Nishiyama, M., & Iwai, Y. (2023). Age group identification using gaze-guided feature extraction. 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), 708–711.
Sims, J. P., Haynes, A., & Lanius, C. (2023). Exploring the utility of eye tracking for sociological research on race. The British Journal of Sociology, n/a(n/a).
Aslan, M., Baykara, M., & Alakuş, T. B. (2023). LSTMNCP: lie detection from EEG signals with novel hybrid deep learning method. Multimedia Tools and Applications.
Yao, J., Su, S., & Liu, S. (2023). The effect of key audit matters reviewing on loan approval decisions? Finance Research Letters, 104467.
Furukado, R., & Hagiwara, G. (2023). Gaze and Electroencephalography (EEG) Parameters in Esports: Examinations Considering Genres and Skill Levels.
Liu, Y., Ghaiumy Anaraky, R., Aly, H., & Byrne, K. (2023). The Effect of Privacy Fatigue on Privacy Decision-Making Behavior. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 67(1), 2428–2433.
Biondi, F. N., Graf, F., Pillai, P., & Balasingam, B. (2023). On Validating a Generic Video-Based Blink Detection System for Cognitive Load Detection. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 67(1), 1425–1430.
Hatzithomas, L., Theodorakioglou, F., Margariti, K., & Boutsouki, C. (2023). Cross-media advertising strategies and brand attitude: the role of cognitive load. International Journal of Advertising, 0(0), 1–33.
Prahm, C., Konieczny, J., Bressler, M., Heinzel, J., Daigeler, A., Kolbenschlag, J., & Lauer, H. (2023). Influence of colored face masks on judgments of facial attractiveness and gaze patterns. Acta Psychologica, 239, 103994.
Jaśkowiec, M., & Kowalska-Chrzanowska, M. (2023). The Use of Games in Citizen Science Based on Findings from the EyeWire User Study. Games and Culture, 15554120231196260.
Rocca, F., Dave, M., Duvivier, V., Van Daele, A., Demeuse, M., Derobertmasure, A., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2023). Designing an Assistance Tool for Analyzing and Modeling Trainer Activity in Professional Training Through Simulation. Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, 180–187.
Huang, J., Raja, J., Cantor, C., Marx, W., Galgano, S., Zarzour, J., Caridi, T., Gunn, A., Morgan, D., & Smith, A. (2023). Eye Motion Tracking for Medical Image Interpretation Training. Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology.
Brancucci, A., Ferracci, S., D’Anselmo, A., & Manippa, V. (2023). Hemispheric functional asymmetries and sex effects in visual bistable perception. Consciousness and Cognition, 113, 103551.
Lu, H.-Y., Lin, Y.-C., Chen, C.-H., Wang, C.-C., Han, I.-W., & Liang, W.-L. (2023). Detecting Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Eye-tracking and Machine Learning. 2023 IEEE 6th International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention (ICKII), 372–375.
Abeysinghe, Y., Mahanama, B., Jayawardena, G., Sunkara, M., Ashok, V., & Jayarathna, S. (2023). Gaze Analytics Dashboard for Distributed Eye Tracking. 2023 IEEE 24th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science (IRI), 140–145.
Hong, W. C. H., Ngan, H. F. B., Yu, J., & Arbouw, P. (2023). Examining cultural differences in Airbnb naming convention and user reception: an eye-tracking study. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 40(6), 475–489.
(PDF) Eye Tracking as a Research and Training Tool for Ensuring Quality Education. (2023, July 23). ResearchGate.
Han, E. (2023). Comparing the Perception of In-Person and Digital Monitor Viewing of Paintings. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 41(2), 465–496.
Koutsogiorgi, C. C., & Michaelides, M. P. (2023). Response Tendencies to Positively and Negatively Worded Items of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale With Eye-Tracking Methodology. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 39(4), 307–315.
Foroughi, C. K., Devlin, S., Pak, R., Brown, N. L., Sibley, C., & Coyne, J. T. (2023). Near-Perfect Automation: Investigating Performance, Trust, and Visual Attention Allocation. Human Factors, 65(4), 546–561.
Pillai, P., Balasingam, B., & Biondi, F. N. (2023). Model-Based Estimation of Mental Workload in Drivers Using Pupil Size Measurements. 2023 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 815–821.
Warchol-Jakubowska, A., Krejtz, I., & Krejtz, K. (2023). An irrelevant look of novice tram driver: Visual attention distribution of novice and expert tram drivers. Proceedings of the 2023 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 1–3.
Moreira, C., Alvito, D. M., Sousa, S. C., Nobre, I. M. G. B., Ouyang, C., Kopper, R., Duchowski, A., & Jorge, J. (2023). Comparing Visual Search Patterns in Chest X-Ray Diagnostics. Proceedings of the 2023 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 1–6.
Hahn, A., Riedelsheimer, J., Royer, Z., Frederick, J., Kee, R., Crimmins, R., Huber, B., Harris, D., & Jantzen, K. (2023). Effects of Cleft Lip on Visual Scanning and Neural Processing of Infant Faces [Preprint]. Preprints.
Jiang, Y., Leiva, L. A., Rezazadegan Tavakoli, H., R. B. Houssel, P., Kylmälä, J., & Oulasvirta, A. (2023). UEyes: Understanding Visual Saliency across User Interface Types. Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–21.
Shamy, M., & Feitelson, D. G. (2023). Identifying Lines and Interpreting Vertical Jumps in Eye Tracking Studies of Reading Text and Code. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 20(2), 6:1-6:20.
Lobodenko, L., Cheredniakova, A., Shesterkina, L., & Kharitonova, O. (2023). Eye-Tracking Technologies in the Analysis of Environmental Advertising and Journalistic Texts Perception by Youth. 2023 Communication Strategies in Digital Society Seminar (ComSDS), 78–85.